FAQs for Nurseries

Ques 1: Why Should I register my Nursery on Nursery Portal?
Answer: It will act as a platform where you can showcase your capabilities to supply planting material to the horticulture growers. You will also be able to see enquiries from the buyers for their present and future requirements.
Ques 2: Is there any fee for registration?
Answer: No.
Ques 3: Can I have a single registration for all type of Nurseries i.e Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers, Spices and Plantation Crops?
Answer: No. Registration is category specific and registration under one category by one nursery is allowed at this stage.
Ques 4: I am Already Accredited / Licensed. How do I register in the portal??
Answer: In order to register on the National Nursery Portal click on the link http://nnp.nhb.gov.in/Nursery/NewRegistration
Ques 5: Are there any Criteria for registration for Nurseries in Other Category (other than Accredited/Licensed)?
Answer: Yes. Click here to see the details.
Ques 6: How frequently I should update my stock?
Answer: You are required to update in the first week of every month.
Ques 7: If I don’t update my stock frequently, will my registration in the portal is valid?
Answer: If you do not update the stock in first week of every month, your registration will not be cancelled, however, you will not be allowed to use the features of the portal until you update the stock. Further, you will not be able to see the matching enquiries and contact buyers.
Ques 8: Is portal liable for after trade facilitation payments from Buyers?
Answer: No. Portal is not liable for any financial transactions either before or after trade facilitation. Financial Transactions is the sole responsibility of the Nursery and Buyers.