How Portal Works – Process Workflow

The above workflow for Nursery Portal is described below:
- The Nurseries/Buyers will register themselves using the online registration form on the Portal.
- The Nurseries will be able to update their profiles online including availability of Planting Material stock.
- The Nurseries will be linked with rating system and/or with State Governments. This will allow the buyers to make informed decision about the quality of the produce procured by them from the Nursery.
- The Nurseries will be able to post sell offers to Buyers registered in the Portal
- The Buyers will be able to post enquiries in the Portal.
- Portal will match the Buyer’s enquiries with Nursery’s sell offers automatically.
- Nurseries and Buyers will be able to exchange messages using the portal.
- A feedback feature will allow the Buyers to record their experience of using the services provided by the Nurseries through the Nursery Portal.